own texts
"How can you read modern art?",
Korean publication, Europe Post, Jan. 1986
"To the works 1982—85",
Galerie B 83, Jan. 1986
"Barnett Newman's Art World"
Korean publication, Art World, July 1986, S. 63ff
"The PRO drawing collection, Nr. 7"
Pro -pro art and architecture 2, Oct. 1987, S. 74
"Three Korean artists in West Germany",
Korean publication, Korea Times, 1. Sept. 1987, S. 12
"Constructivism and Meaning of Colour — in my Case",
Lecture 7.4.1989, Centro Cultural de la Villa, Madrid
"Le Constructivisme et la signification de la couleur",
+ - o, April 1993, Nr. 81
"The importance of color",
Lecture 22.2.1996, Evangelische Erwachsene Bildungszentrum Wiesbaden
catalog contributions
Matthias Bleyl: "Four from the Städel",
Catalog Galerie Karin Friebe, Mannheim, 1986
Ingrid Mössinger: "Art in Frankfurt",
Catalog Frankfurter Kunstverein, 1987
Gerhard Wittner: "Young Hyang Lee",
Catalog Reinhold Kurth-Kunstpreis 1987 der Stadtsparkasse Frankfurt
Andrea Edel: "Young Hyang Lee",
Catalog "forum"-Stadtsparkasse, Frankfurt 1988
Other (magazines, books etc)
Matthias Bley 1: "Works that involve Eastern Yin-Yang philosophy"
korean text, Art World, Seoul, Oct.1987, S.44-45
Andrea Edel: "Proportion and worldview: Young Hyang Lee und Jo Niemeyer, Friedberg Art Association",
The artwork 2 XLI, May 1988, S.99
Matthias Bley 1: "Essential painting in Germany: ways to art after 1945",
Nürnberg (Publishing house for modern art), 1988, S.198-201
The visual artists in Frankfurt am Main, 1989
Eddy Devolder: Young Hyang Lee ( Interview),
Plusminus Null (+ - o), 62, May 1991, S.7
Andrea Edel: "Concrete Painting in Colour",
NIKE (New Art in Europe) Nr. 45, Jan./Feb. 1993
Matthias Bley 1: "Longing for Italy - today",
Heidelberg Art Association, 1995, S.68-71 u. 84-85
Daily press
"Strict selection...",
FAZ, 3. Sep. 1984
"Harmony of opposites",
Offenbach-Post, 28. Jan. 1986, S.21
"Asian thoughts in a constructive form",
korean text, The Korea Times, 13. Feb. 1986, S.12
"The game of opposites in the quartet",
Mannheim morning, 12. Sept. 1986
"Soft forms",
Rhein-Neckar-newspaper, 22. Sept. 1986
Konrad Schmidt: "From silent to malicious",
Ruhr-News, 13. Dez. 1986
"Galerie Voss..." ,
Westdeutsche Rundschau, 13. Dez.1986
Horst Müller: "Images in red and blue",
WAZ, 14. Mai 1987
Konrad Schmidt : "Korean: Discussion in red and blue",
Ruhr-News, 27. Mai 1987
"Art in Frankfurt",
FAZ, 7. Aug. 1987, S.32
"Art Ways of Shared Wisdom",
General newspaper Mainz, 8. Aug. 1987, S.9
"The Frankfurter Kunstverein is looking for an elite",
Frankfurt New Press, 17. Aug. 1987, S.7
Matthias Hildebrand: "Cool language of geometry",
Wiesbaden daily newspaper, S.7
"Exhibition report Frankfurt and Wiesbaden",
korean text, The Korea Times, 1. Okt. 1987, S.12
"Yin - Yang - Constructively implemented philosophy: objects and graphics on the subject of proportion and world view - exhibition of the
Friedberger Art Association",
Wetterauer Newspaper, 26. Jan. 1988, S.17
"Creating harmony in polarity - Young Hyang Lee and Jo Niemeyer exhibit at the Friedberg Art Association",
Frankfurt general newspaper, 10. Feb. 1988